The FNESS FireSmart Division has been busy supporting FireSmart application development, educating and mentoring FireSmart Coordinators, researching, and contributing to the FNESS vision of safe and healthy First Nation communities through ongoing collaborative...

Blending Fire Safety and Sustainability in Stellat’en First Nation
Stellat’en First Nation’s focus on fire safety and food production demonstrates how land stewardship can enhance community well-being.

B.C. First Nations firefighters showcase skills at firefighting competition in Kamloops
On June 1, FNESS hosted the 39th Annual B.C. Indigenous Firefighter Competition in Kamloops.

FNESS Provides Wildfire Training to Westbank First Nation & Ntityix Resources
On June 18 and 19, FNESS provided wildfire training to Westbank First Nations’ Utilities and Public Works Department and Ntityix Resources for second consecutive year in a row.

Adams Lake Indian Band Receives Historic Hybrid Fire Truck Donation
The Adams Lake Indian Band has received a substantial boost to its firefighting capabilities with the donation of a 2023 International Wildland Type 3 fire truck from FNESS.

FNESS Wildfire Training Program helps Shuswap Band prepare for 2024 wildfire season
When Shuswap Band requested wildfire training from FNESS, we were eager to assist.

Hands-On Training with Katzie First Nation: Enhancing Emergency Response Preparedness
In May 2024, a group of 15 participants from Katzie First Nation gathered for a day of immersive emergency response training.

FNESS Backs Community-Driven FireSmart Efforts
The FNESS FireSmart Team has been actively engaging with various First Nation communities to share the importance of wildfire resilience.

Celebrating Kanaka Bar Band and their dedication to wildfire preparedness
Kanaka Bar Band celebrates Wildfire Community Preparedness Day. Wildfire Preparedness Day is a national campaign that encourages communities to take action to increase wildfire resilience.

Wildfire and Flood Bootcamp inspires Indigenous youth at Gathering Our Voices 2024
Gathering Our Voices 2024 hosted in Victoria, BC, witnessed an exciting event as we hosted our first Wildfire and Flood Bootcamp for Indigenous youth.