Wildland Firefighter Training Program

This program provides industry-recognized classroom and field-based wildland firefighting training courses in your community.

Courses are targeted to meet the Type 2 Fire Crew standard and exceed the Type 3 Fire Crew training requirements, which includes courses that develop general forestry and incident command systems knowledge and skills.

The Wildfire Training Program was developed by FNESS and is funded by BC Wildfire Services (BCWS) and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

Wildland Fire Equipment Program

This program complements the Wildland Firefighter Training Program by providing communities with the necessary wildland fire equipment and personal protective equipment to safely and effectively work in the wildland fire environment.

Eligible applicants may be reimbursed up to $75,000 for purchasing program equipment, which meet operational wildfire response scenarios and Worksafe requirements.

The Wildfire Equipment Program was developed by FNESS and is funded by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

Wildfire Division Flat Sheet

Wildfire Division Flat Sheet